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Information for Veterinarians

At Optima Animal Physio we believe in working collaboratively with veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals to achieve the highest possible level of functional recovery for our patients.  Once a veterinary diagnosis has been made, physiotherapy should begin as soon as possible following injury or surgery in order to maximise recovery and prevent any secondary complications.

Physiotherapy Consultation

The physiotherapy assessment begins with obtaining a detailed history from the owner, followed by gait assessment, a ‘hands-on’ assessment of the patient, and specific tests such as range of motion, joint and neurological tests.  Owners will be provided with an individualised home exercise programme for their dog following the consultation.  A report summarising the physiotherapy assessment findings and recommendations is completed following the initial consultation and will be sent to the referring veterinarian.


Katrinka Geelen provides physiotherapy services to patients at Northcoast Veterinary Specialist and Referral Centre, Queensland Veterinary Specialists, agistment centres, and within clients’ homes.

Appointments for patients of Northcoast Veterinary Specialist and Referral Centre and Queensland Veterinary Specialists can be made by contacting the respective hospital reception team at:

Northcoast Veterinary Specialist and Referral Centre:
(07) 5453 7555

Queensland Veterinary Specialists:
Stafford – (07) 3359 0777   North Lakes – (07) 3384 2222

For all other patients or general enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Katrinka directly:


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